<h1 class="entry-title">Category: Gold Market Discussion</h1>
01 Oct

Inflate or Die!

It’s really just Economics 101.  Normally if there is a huge bumper crop of oranges next year in Florida, or if the weather is great and it’s a record year for corn growers in the farm belt, you know that prices of oranges or corn will go down.   Since interest rates are the cost […]

01 Oct

Secret Gold Buying?

Saudi Arabia joins China in quiet gold acquisitions!  Have you thought about doing the same? There appears to be a sharp rise in secret, off-the-books gold buying by foreign central banks.   Based on World Gold Council reports and other sources, Saudi Arabia has cranked up its gold buying machine.  Since 2022 the Saudi Arabian […]

30 Sep

Take a Look at the Gold and Silver Bull Market!

A picture is worth a thousand words! The gold bull market has outperformed both stocks and fixed income indices for the past two years.  And the silver story in one word:  Wow! As we write these observations, spot gold is $2,673.   Here is a chart showing the history of gold prices on the Chicago […]

16 Sep

Attention! Deficit Disorder!

No Wonder Gold is Flying High! Things are out of control and won’t get better!  That’s why gold is up more than 34 percent in the last 12 months! Washington’s fiscal year ends in just a couple of weeks and it’s going to be a doozie!  No wonder gold is flying! Bloomberg News: The US […]

09 Sep

Boom or Bust!

True, governments can reduce the rate of interest in the short run. They can issue additional paper money. They can open the way to credit expansion by the banks. They can thus create an artificial boom and the appearance of prosperity. But such a boom is bound to collapse soon or late and to bring […]

09 Sep

China’s Silver Takeover

If you own silver, wish you owned silver, or are thinking about owning silver some day, the headlines in a recent Jerusalem Post story should grab your attention and not let go: CHINA’S STRATEGIC SILVER TAKEOVER: A CALCULATED MOVE TO DRAIN THE WEST China hoarding silver, price 10% higher than West. Secret weapon or economic […]

03 Sep

Understanding Price Controls in 7 Easy Steps

Price controls are back on the table.  They always are when inflation has done terrible damage to the average household budget.   Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren may try to dance away from price controls between now and the election, but if given power, they will use them.  They are a congenital part of the […]

03 Sep

Why Gold is Outperforming Nearly Everything

What’s the deal with gold?  What’s going on? Yahoo! Finance pointed out the other day that “The yellow metal has forged meteoric gains this year.” Jared Blikre, Yahoo’s finance editor sought to explain it in an article whose headline we borrowed for this piece, “WHY GOLD IS OUTPERFORMING NEARLY EVERYTHING!” Here is some of what […]

03 Sep

The Economy and Civil Unrest in America

We’ve already had Third World inflation, endless wars, defund the police, socialist leaders, and a currency that the whole world is backing away from! So why not be prepared?  Consumer prices are up 39% since 2012.  If you retired in 2012 after carefully planning your household budget, too bad for you!  You could say, as […]

26 Aug

Price Controls Are Making a Comeback

Kamala Harris is cooking up price controls!   We’re not surprised.  If you wanted to destroy the American economy, you’d come up with price controls.  Price controls lead to shortages.  Shortages lead to rationing.  And rationing is total, top-down control by the state.  Cronyism and corruption reign supreme.    So price controls are the road […]

26 Aug

Best Practices for Buying Gold

At Republic Monetary Exchange, we built our business with a policy of putting our clients first.  Our Best Practices Policy is designed to protect you.   We have warned for years about gold dealers that pop like mushrooms when gold prices are rising.  As we have warned, some pop-up dealers ask customers to pay for […]

26 Aug

America, We Have a Problem

The pilots flying don’t know how to fly! We don’t know how to say it nicely.  Besides, your wealth and prosperity matter too much to pussyfoot around about stuff.  So here you go: Far from the fabled “best and brightest,” of yesteryear, today’s Washington clowns have no idea what they are doing to our economy.  […]

19 Aug

Staring at Stagflation

Stag + Flation + Gold Time to brush up on what it’s like to live in a stagflationary economy once again.  Here are the three most important points: So what is going on now?  Let’s start with STAG.  According to a report on CNBC, 59 percent of Americans believe that the U.S. is currently in […]

19 Aug

What Tension in Iran Means for Gold

WAR!  Better be ready!  Things are getting pretty dicey on the world stage and the Biden administration doesn’t even know how to spell diplomacy! Amid rising geopolitical tensions on multiple fronts, we’d like to make a single point.   Iran’s leadership has been virtually assuring the world that it will retaliate for the assassination of […]

19 Aug

You Know Its Time to Buy Gold When…

…core consumer prices are up 50 months in a row! When stock markets are in chaos… When Warren Buffet sells half his Apple stock… When the commercial real estate market is a mess… When phony paper currencies like the Japanese yen get crushed… When central bank gold buying hits one record high after another… When […]

13 Aug

The Biggest Buyers of Gold Continue to Buy More

Central Banks… the biggest monetary megatrend of all time! The world’s central banks just keep on doing what you should be doing.  They keep exchanging U.S. dollars for gold! The numbers are in for the second quarter of 2024.  Not only was total gold demand for the second quarter the highest on record, according to […]

13 Aug

Reading the Fed Tea Leaves

The Federal Reserve Banking System is a political institution.  It is not a philanthropic institution, nor is it an academic one.  Nor is an honest bank, one that takes in money from willing depositors and makes loans to willing borrowers to make a spread. The Fed is a political institution.  Its politics are hard left.  […]

12 Aug

Going for the… Gold?

What happened to the gold in Olympic gold metals? For hundreds of events, the 2024 Olympics handed out thousands of medals.  The Paris Mint made more than 5,000 medals, 2,600 for the Olympics and 2,400 for the Paralympics.  When the modern Olympics began in 1896, the official US gold price was $20.67 an ounce.   […]

30 Jul

Big Banks Risk Revealed

More evidence you need to get off the grid and own gold! This is an important follow-up to our recent post about the global IT shutdown that crippled banks, airlines, stock exchanges, retailers, and public safety operations.  The Office of the Controller of the Currency has found that many of the biggest U.S. banks are […]

30 Jul

Gold in the Weak Economy

Oh, What a Tangled Web! Let’s see.  The mainstream media has been wrong about almost everything! So, why should we be surprised they are clueless about the economy?  We’ll begin with the obvious.  Despite the Biden/Harris administration crowing non-stop about the great unemployment picture (and the lapdog press echoing their every word), In the last […]

30 Jul

Sample Gold Forecasts

As students of monetary history, we have an advantage in the gold price forecasting game.  Based on abundant precedent we can simply say that at some point people will no longer refer to the dollar value of the gold they own; they will instead just refer to the number of ounces they own. And what […]

22 Jul

A Look at the Gold and Silver Charts

2024 has been quite a year for gold and silver.  And it looks like there is more to come. Here is a one-year chart of the gold price: Please note the bullish technical indicators, with the red line indicating the 200-day moving average price and the blue line the shorter term 50-day moving average.  Gold […]

22 Jul

Is America Insolvent?

Is the United States insolvent?  By that I mean is it unable to pay its debts? The honest answer is yes.  The formal answer is no. Let us explain. Better yet, let Ben Bernanke, the former Chairman of the Federal Reserve System explain: “The US government has a technology, called a printing press, that allows […]

21 Jul

Getting Off the Grid with Gold and Silver

The Crowstrike Outage Shows How Fragile Our Digital Infrastructure Can Be The headlines captured the story this way: It’s like Y2K, except it happened this time! “Largest IT Outage In History” Sparks Disruptions Worldwide! Unprecedented IT Outage Cripples Businesses Around the Globe! The IT shutdown impacted major banks, stock exchanges, 911 services, media, and airlines.  […]

12 Jul

What is the Actual Inflation Rate?

Is the Inflation Rate only the 3% that the Government says it is? Here’s a wake-up call!  Yes, another one!   The government tells us the inflation rate is currently 3.0 percent.  That’s the Consumer Price Index increase for the 12 months ending in June.   Between January 2020 and last May, consumer prices rose […]

12 Jul

If the Economy is Slowing… Buy Gold!

We have shared our view that the Federal Reserve is anxious to cut interest rates before long to help elect Democrats in November.  (See our January post THE FED TILTS THE SCALES!  TO THE LEFT, OF COURSE!) It’s not too complicated.  The very existence of a central bank is a left-wing dream come true.  It […]

12 Jul

“Real Money For Free People” Now Available on Amazon

Your Essential Financial Survival Briefing!  The American Gold Story! Reviewers praise Real Money for Free People!  Rich Dad Poor Dad’s Robert Kiyosaki says Jim Clark’s book is “essential reading for anyone who values their financial freedom.” New York Times bestselling author Charles Goyette says Jim Clark’s book “explains in easy-to-understand terms what the Founders knew, […]

05 Jul

The Global Gold Picture!

Want to see something really bullish? With this post, we hope to show you how seriously the rest of the world takes gold in this new era of de-dollarization. The following bullet points are taken from an article by Sergei Glazyev, Commissioner for Integration and Macroeconomics within the Eurasian Economic Commission and a close Putin […]

05 Jul

Inflation and the Confused Biden Administration

They’re even wrong about being wrong about inflation! What a bunch we have running fiscal policy in our country.  Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has distinguished herself for being wrong about inflation and virtually everything else.  And President Biden, well there’s no need to describe his abject confusion anymore.  Since everyone except a few shameless toadies […]

05 Jul

The Four Main Forces Pushing Gold Higher

What are the major forces driving gold prices up? We spotlight four of them: WAR It is our view that the mainstream media ignores or underplays the significance of all of the forces destroying our currency and prosperity.  But it seems most clueless about the way war destroys both.  However, our hands-on experience goes back […]

10 Jun

Here Comes Another Wave of Inflation

It’s a purchasing power calamity! Brace yourself!  Another huge wave of inflation is approaching!  The purchasing power of your savings is about to get swamped once again.   So far the purchasing power of the US dollar has lost about 20 percent of its value during the Biden presidency.  But the Biden presidency is not […]

10 Jun

Wealth Preservation with Gold

Suppose a hundred years ago some far-sighted benefactor, someone a few generations back, wanted to leave some wealth for their descendants – including you.  Would you be better off if they left you $10,000 cash in bills or $10,000 in gold? A hundred years ago American money was gold. Americans commonly carried and conducted commerce […]

10 Jun

Look Who’s Buying Gold Big Time!

To us, the real estate bubble was blindingly obvious.  That is why we tend to keep an eye on those who also saw it coming.  Ron Paul is a case in point.  Not only did he see it coming, he famously explained in Congress and in detail exactly how it would unfold. And so it […]

28 May

The Silver Opportunity

We don’t want any of our friends and clients to miss out!   Everywhere you look, commodities are screaming higher and higher.  Gold, coffee, chocolate, uranium, copper, nickel.   And silver! But nowhere in the commodity complex is the opportunity greater than in silver!  Try taking delivery of investible quantities of chocolate and storing it […]

28 May

Don’t Rely on a Dollar-Dependent Retirement

The headline on Yahoo! Finance reads, “Living on Edge: Nearly 90% of Retirees Worried Inflation Will Eat Away Savings.” The story reports that a third of retired Americans are worried that they haven’t saved enough.  No surprise there.  89 percent describe themselves as deeply concerned about the erosion of their purchasing power by inflation.  As […]

23 May

Do You Hear the Bells and Buzzers Going Off?

They are saying “Buy More Gold!” It’s not good when you get three stories like this all lined up in a row, all at once on a major new site. It’s like getting three cherries in a row on a Las Vegas slot.  Except that it’s not a jackpot.  Quite the opposite.  Still, bells and […]

23 May

Can the U.S. Financial Crisis Be Averted?

Sorry, too late. You just can’t turn a $24 trillion economy over to someone a clueless as Joe Biden and expect things to go well. How many examples do you need?  It was just last week the President claimed that inflation was 9 percent when he took office, but he got it on the run. […]

22 May

Make Sure You Have Plenty of Gold and Silver!

Ron Paul says, “Massive public unrest… violence… authoritarianism!” Make sure you have plenty of gold and silver, because it’s not going to be pretty! No one has a better track record than former Congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul when it comes to foreseeing the results of government interventions.  Whether it is foreign policy like […]

14 May

Stop Taxes on Gold and Silver Coins and Bullion!

U.S Representative Re-Introduces a Bill that Could Remove Taxes from Coins and Bullion It is the most audacious flim-flam, for the government to make the nation’s legal tender so unreliable that people have to protect themselves from its devaluation, and then tax them punitively for successfully protecting themselves from it.  It’s like installing a clock […]

14 May

Industrial Demand for Silver Could Push Prices Higher

Something is beginning to bubble in the silver market! The year isn’t even half over and silver is already up more than 15 percent.  And yet it is still unbelievably inexpensive!   But first, there is more going on in the silver market than just the insanity of Bidenomics.  More than Washington’s unpayable $34.6 trillion […]

13 May

More Federal Reserve Nonsense

So now the Federal Reserve has had to backpedal on its presumed interest rate cut this year.  That’s due to “a lack of further progress” on inflation says the new policy announcement. The Deep State Money Manipulators are in one hell of a fix!  Again. If they cut rates and loosen money, prices will keep […]

03 May

Own Gold to Protect Yourself From Debt!

We Know what government promises are worth! Gross Domestic Product is weak.  Inflation is strong.  That’s the latest from the government numbers.  But all those numbers are misleading.  They can be crunched, re-crunched, and inevitably revised.  The statistical components are changed at the drop of a hat to serve political interests.  And their assumptions are, […]

02 May

You Will Own Nothing: Part II

A Former Treasury Official Says You Already Don’t! In YOU WILL OWN NOTHING, Part I, we shared a video of a Canadian man trying to withdraw a few thousand dollars from his bank account.  The bank wanted a document of some sort to show what he was going to do with his money. There is […]

02 May

You Will Own Nothing: Part I

The only money you own is gold and silver in your personal possession! You better watch this video.  Especially if you think you own what is in your bank account. Ownership is the ability to call upon and dispose of assets as you desire or as agreed upon.  When you deposit your money into your […]

22 Apr

Here’s Why Central Banks Are Buying Gold

The World Bank is not even trying to hide it.   Why are global central banks beating a pathway to the gold market?  Why are central banks an important force in driving the gold price to new all-time highs?   We have called central bank de-dollarization and gold-buying one of the most important megatrends of […]

22 Apr

Why is Gold Going Through the Roof?

Gold is going through the roof because the already unpayable US debt is, too! After all, if there is no hope for US debt at $34 trillion today, how about when it reaches $141 trillion in 2054?  And that is where the Congressional Budget Office says we are headed! $141 trillion is a lot of […]

22 Apr

Washington’s Paper Money Counterfeiting Scheme!

Here’s a story we have told before, but with gold hitting so many all-time highs lately, it is one that deserves to be told again. It begins with a serious economic crisis that is fast approaching.  Here’s a snippet from Fred Hickey (The High Tech Strategist) on April 2 that highlights just how fast things […]

12 Apr

Gold Has a Long Way to Go!

Why is gold setting new records?   It’s a gold and silver bull market for all the reasons we’ve been saying.  As we write this, spot gold is about $2,400, while Spot silver is closing in on $29.00 per ounce.  Why are precious metals so strong, especially in a rising interest rate environment? Because other […]

12 Apr

U.S. Debt Finally Got Away From Us

Washington is squirting red ink out from every pore.  The budget year is half over, finishing with a deficit of more than a trillion dollars.   This will end badly. We have been sounding an alarm in these posts about US debt and the fear that it would get away from us.  A few recent […]

12 Apr

End the Fed! Return to Gold!

Lew Rockwell Explains it All! “The power to create money is the most ominous power ever bestowed on any human being. This power is rightly criminalized when it is exercised by private individuals, and even today, everyone knows why counterfeiting is wrong and knavish. Far fewer are aware of the role of the federal government, […]

26 Mar

Gold’s Record-Setting 2024 Continues

The price of gold has continued climbing to one new all-time high after another   Is Powell playing politics?  See the gold and silver charts! First Gold… …and Silver The latest moves have come in response to the Federal Reserve and its broad hints that Powell is playing election-year politics.  While inflation surprised officials on […]

26 Mar

Another Zimbabwe Dollar… Backed By Gold?

As Zimbabwe’s latest attempt at a currency collapses – this would be the sixth one since 2008 – the country’s leaders are watching it fall and hinting that the next Zimbabwe dollar will be gold-backed. Riiiight!  Of course it will!!!! Bloomberg News: The country’s local dollar has weakened against the US dollar every day in […]

26 Mar

Another Ominous U.S. Financial Update

It’s time again to update our friends and clients on the financial situation of the US government.   We are neither surprised nor pleased with what we have to report.  While no one likes to be the bearer of bad news, despite what the lapdog press tells you the situation is growing grim. We have […]

18 Mar

$15,000 Gold by 2026? Jim Rickards Says Yes.

$15,000? Here’s Why! Gold expert and best-selling author James Rickards says that gold will skyrocket, reaching $15,000 an ounce by 2026 or sooner. Now, with its recent surge to all-time highs, gold is attracting new attention from analysts eager to get in front of the parade with higher gold price forecasts. But Rickards forecast is […]

18 Mar

The US Dollar System is Being Weaponized Against You

Some are leaving the dollar.  You might want to think about it, too! Charles de Gaulle, the former Premier of France, called the global dollar system America’s “exorbitant privilege.”  Or maybe he didn’t.  Maybe with was a French finance minister. But if de Gaulle hadn’t said it himself, he could have because he understood that […]

15 Mar

John F. McManus, R.I.P.

“You know the Founders wrote the Constitution “to bind down the government from mischief,” said Jefferson.  Then they added the Bill of Rights, and you know what those ten amendments say:  The government shall not… shall not… shall not… shall not… all the way up to the marvelous Tenth Amendment that said if we forgot […]

04 Mar

What Else Are They Lying to You About?

Inflation, for sure! Well surprise, surprise! Last week even the New York Times has provided details about that “a C.I.A.-supported network of spy bases constructed in the past eight years that includes 12 secret locations along the Russian border.” That’s the sort of thing that has been generally denied for a long time. And whatever […]

04 Mar

Gold is the Answer to Global Debt

Global debt is soaring!  Up $15 trillion last year! Uh oh!  Unpayable debt leads to money printing.  That’s just the government playbook.  The Institute of International Finance, a global association of financial institutions, tracks and analyzes global capital flows and debt trends.  It reports that “over $15 trillion of additional debt was added to the […]

04 Mar

The Midas Touch!

The following graphic is from Visual Capitalist.  It displays the top 11 countries by gold reserves as of September 2023, based on data from Central Banks, the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the World Gold Council.  It says, “In 2023, amid uncertainty about US interest rates and continued […]

27 Feb

Trump Calls Out the Dollar

Our currency is losing its dominance!  Get ready!  Get gold! “Our country is going to hell and we’re not going to be the big boy,” Trump said.  Well, he got that right.  It reminds us of the old expression that he who has the gold makes the rules.  The US Treasury says we have a […]

27 Feb

Time to Take a Look at the U.S. Fiscal Situation!

And then stake out a long-term gold and silver position! “Any way you look at it, interest costs on the national debt will soon be at an all-time high!”  So says the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, a nonpartisan organization dedicated to addressing America’s long-term fiscal challenges.  They provide the following illustrations of the problem Washington […]

27 Feb

$3,000 Gold? Citi Analysts Say “Don’t Rule it Out!”

PICK ONE:  Central bank purchases, stagflation, or a deep global recession! You could see gold surge by 50 percent according to Aakash Doshi, Citi’s North America head of commodities research.  He and other Citi analysts wrote in a recent note to clients that among the pathways to $3,000, gold would be a ramp-up in de-dollarization […]

12 Feb

Huge Demand for Silver in 2024

Surging industrial demand for silver has driven estimates for 2024 total demand to the second-highest level ever. The latest forecast from the Silver Institute, a trade association, calls for global silver demand this year to total 1.2 billion ounces.  That would rival 2022’s chart-topping demand of 1.242 billion ounces and represents an overall increase in […]

12 Feb

The Rush to Gold When Banks Start Crashing

It was not quite a year ago that banks started tumbling down.  You remember the names:  Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank, and First Republic, all American banks.  But it wasn’t just an American problem as the presence of Swiss banking giant Credit Suisse and Deutsche Bank on the troubled list attested. Rising interest rates were […]

12 Feb

China: The Next Trigger

Their financial situation is worse than alarming! “Twitching like a fingerOn the trigger of a gun.” -Paul Simon Uh oh!  China is making things feel twitchy! We are always on the alert for the most likely trigger of the coming economic calamity.  The thing that ends the made-up, manipulated money system and remonetizes honest money.  […]

05 Feb

Is the Establishment Starting to Panic About U.S. Debt?

First the NY Times!  Now Chase Bank? If you aren’t panicking about the US debt picture, you may not be paying attention! Now even the most establishment of establishment figures are starting to show signs of panic.  Including the most establishment banker of America’s most establishment bank. Jamie Dimon is the chairman and chief executive […]

05 Feb

China’s Coming Collapse?

…and what it could mean for us. China is a hot mess. We have only addressed China’s rickety economic conditions occasionally and not written much about them, but you should know how vulnerable things are in that centrally-planned economy. Youth unemployment in China is running at about 15 percent.  Property prices in December fell at […]

05 Feb

Inflation… Shrinkflation…FUNflation!

Forget what the Fed chairman says.  Forget the Consumer Price Index and the Producer Price Index. Pay no attention to core inflation and the Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE) price index.  Pay no attention to any of Washington’s price indices.   Instead, trust your own living experience.  Is your cost of living going up or down?  […]

29 Jan

Government Price Controls Won’t Fix Inflation

Despite what some people may think, the cure is worse than the disease! In one of the 1980 presidential debates between Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter, when the Carter administration’s inflation was the undoing of countless American’s prosperity, the candidates were asked about the wisdom of government price controls. Price controls never work, said Reagan, […]

29 Jan

The Betrayal of the Elites

See for yourself, it’s US against them! Having ignored the Constitution and subverted our once good-as-gold dollar, the American elites hope to complete their betrayal with Soviet-style policies (for you, not for themselves, of course).   That includes eliminating freedoms (yours that is), gas stoves (yours that is), air travel (yours that is), parental rights […]

29 Jan

Rich Dad’s “Most Important Show Ever” 4-Part Series

Once again Republic Monetary Exchange’s Jim Clark joins Robert Kiyosaki’s panel of experts to complete the four-part series that Robert calls “the most important show ever!” The Rich Dad Poor Dad radio show panelists – all veteran gold professionals – have been called together to explore the significance of gold as a timeless form of […]

15 Jan

The World’s Best-Informed Investors Keep Buying Gold

The world’s best-informed buyers are central banks.  They know the made-up, unbacked, paper, and digital money ruse best.   And they keep buying gold. How many Americans could explain how the entire Federal Reserve monetary system works, how they create money out of nothing at all?  One in ten?  One in a hundred?   Probably […]

12 Jan

Look What We Found While Reading the Financial News…

In our effort to make sure our friends and clients are always well-informed, we work our way through mountains of information.  We were surprised and happy a few days ago to see that The Market Oracle was quoting our friend and colleague Charles Goyette from his New York Times bestseller The Dollar Meltdown: The Market […]

12 Jan

Kiyosaki: “The Most Valuable Investment in 2024”

Rich Dad Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki presents a four-part program that he calls “the most important” show ever. Today we present Part 1, The Good News and Bad News about Money.  It features Jim Clark on a panel with other veteran precious metals experts including RME associate Charles Goyette. The discussion addresses the historical […]

08 Jan

The Gray Lady Notices US Debt and Calls it a Problem!

Surprise! The New York Times Gets Something Right! “The federal debt starts the new year at a level that is hard to grasp: $34 trillion. That is 1.2 times the U.S.’s annual economic output. At the end of World War II, the ratio was only about 1.1.” Count us thunderstruck!  The preceding paragraph is something […]

08 Jan

Things About Gold and the Economy to Remember in 2024

Harry Dent Warns about the Stock Market: Since 2009, this has been 100 percent artificial, unprecedented money printing and deficits: $27 trillion over 15 years, to be exact.  This is off the charts, 100 percent artificial, which means we’re in a dangerous state. I think 2024 is going to be the biggest single crash year […]

26 Dec

The Dollar in Three Easy Pictures

It’s an easy story, the future of the US dollar.   So easy in fact, that we think we can tell it in three simple pictures. First of all, the US is the biggest debtor in the world, the biggest of all time.  Take a look at the first picture from Visual Capitalist: The US […]

11 Dec

When Inflation Strikes Your Retirement Plan

More victims of US Dollar Inflation! Food or medicine?   Those are bad choices to have to make, just like having to drain the last of your retirement savings to heat your home in the winter. But Americans’ retirement plans are cracking up on the reefs of Washington’s monetary policies.  Its elective destruction of the […]

11 Dec

Expect Higher Gold Prices

We grow very wary when it appears almost everyone is thinking the same thing.  It often means there is not a lot of real thinking going on.   The view that Chairman Powell and the Fed are going to be able to drive interest rates lower in the New Year is nearing unanimity.   But […]

08 Dec

Gold Prices Explode Higher

You Haven’t Seen Anything Yet! Gold is on a hair trigger!  Or to put it another way, Biden’s governance has now stretched everything to the breaking point.  Spot gold had a previous record high of $2,063, but on Friday, 12/1, it closed at a new all-time high of $2,071.   Then fresh war rumors on […]

04 Dec

Now is the Time to Add More Gold!

Now is the time to buy gold according to Marc Faber, a leading French bank, and others! When is the right time to buy gold? If you don’t have enough for what’s coming, right now is the best time to buy gold… whenever right now happens to be. Who has enough gold?  We’ve never met […]

04 Dec

Things Not So Bad Under Biden? Oh, Really?

Who are you going to believe?  The Swamp media or your lying eyes? With less than a year before the presidential election, a Swamp public relations agent named Taylor Lorenz, who poses as a reporter at the Washington Post, is hard at work on the newspaper’s relentless mission to explain that prices, inflation, and the […]

01 Dec

Gold Hits New All-Time High

Wonder Why? “America is Broke,” Says Robert Kiyosaki “Buy gold and silver.  Save gold and silver,” said the author of the biggest-selling investment book of all time!   That turned out to be a timely recommendation. Gold closed at a new all-time high on Friday (12/1/23) only a day after Robert Kiyosaki warned a national […]

27 Nov

The Money Madmen Keep Printing!

Once They Get Started, They Can’t Seem to Stop! Once the money printers get started – whether by actual paper or more modern digital money printing – it usually ends in catastrophe.   As our present monetary crisis of unrestrained Washinton spending and unpayable US debt continues to unfold, we think it is instructive to […]

27 Nov

Is it Time to End Central Banking?

All Eyes are on Argentina! It’s an upset!  Javier Milei’s landslide win in Argentina has toppled – at least for now – the country’s inflationary Peronista left-wing rule.   “Freedom goes forward!  Hail freedom, dammit!” shouted Milei. Milei will be sworn in as president in December.  He has promised to end central banking and the […]

24 Nov

Watch Jim on the Rich Dad Podcast with Robert Kiyosaki

RME’s Jim and Charles join friend Robert Kiyosaki to Talk Precious Metals, the Economy, and the Hunt Brothers This past week, RME’s Jim Clark and Charles Goyette were guests on friend Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad Radio Show. Below you can watch the entire interview. In addition to the topics of the U.S. going bankrupt, precious […]

20 Nov

Uncle Sam’s Credit Score Keeps Falling

US pays higher rates to borrow than Vietnam, Morocco, Bulgaria…That’s not good news for the world’s biggest debtor or for the dollar! With its credit rating falling, the US government has to pay higher interest rates than Third World countries to borrow money.  Being the world’s biggest debtor is starting to catch up with Uncle […]

20 Nov

Central Banks Keep Buying Gold!

Central Banks all over the world are buying gold. Are you? Because central banks around the world sold so much gold in the post-WWII era – to hold US dollars in their currency reserves instead – we believe the reversal of that practice represents the biggest monetary megatrend of our time. In other words, these […]

20 Nov

Industrial Silver Demand To Skyrocket!

End users of industrial silver will experience surging output totaling 46 percent between now and 2033.  The surge is expected to be especially rapid in the electrical and electronics industries which are forecasted to grow by 55 percent over the decade.  That is the finding of a new study by Oxford Economics, a leading global […]

10 Nov

Col. Douglas Macgregor says: “We Will Never Get to the 2024 Election! Banks will Close!”

Some quotes from Colonel Douglas Macgregor: “I don’t think we’ll ever get to the 2024 election!  I think things are going to implode in Washington before then.”“I think our economic financial condition is fragile.  It’s going to come home to roost in ugly ways.” We have a great deal of respect for Colonel Douglas Macgregor.  […]

10 Nov

China Keeps Gobbling Up Gold!

Newsweek reports that China is gobbling up gold on the international market.  China is already the world’s largest gold producer, but it’s buying more gold hand-over-fist.  And it has been doing so every single month for almost a year. For thirteen years central banks have been socking away gold. The Financial Times headlines its account […]

10 Nov

Why Do They Want to Destroy the Currency and Economy?

Here are a Few Answers! Someone asked us, “Why does the Federal Reserve destroy our money with inflation?  Don’t they realize what they are doing to this country?” No answer we give will be complete.  There are too many things going on and too many different interests at work for an all-encompassing response.   But […]

06 Nov

Can the Fed Declare Victory? Is the Inflation War Over?

We say be prepared for an inflation resurgence! Some sectors of the markets along with some analysts believe that the Federal Reserve has declared victory over inflation. That would be like General Custer encountering one lone Sioux on his way to Little Big Horn and patting himself on the back. Still, stocks roared higher the […]

06 Nov

Debt Crisis Headlines

Read ‘Em and Weep! Or Buy Gold and Laugh! At least we’re not the only ones writing about the US Treasury’s debt crisis now.  The story is starting to play far and wide now.  That’s because it is becoming impossible to ignore! Here are three consecutive headlines from the Drudge Report on Wednesday, 11/1.  The […]

30 Oct

War and Inflation

Biden is Burning Down the House! “The first panacea for a mismanaged nation is inflation of the currency; the second is war. Both bring a temporary prosperity; both bring a permanent ruin. But both are the refuge of political and economic opportunists.” – Ernest Hemingway By now you probably know that that Biden is burning down […]

30 Oct

Rich Dad’s Wake-Up Call!

Gold’s next stop is $3,700!  Silver to $68! It’s time now to wake up!   And to tell your friends! Rich Dad Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki doesn’t issue a wake-up call like that very often.  When he does, he means it! We follow our friend Robert closely.   And since he says we should […]

30 Oct

A Very Bullish Outlook for Gold

The gold picture is coming into view, and it is very bullish according to one of our favorite commentators, Michael “Mish” Shedlock from MishTalk.com. We’ve known “Mish” for a very long time, dating all the way back to when he was a small, still voice warning about the housing bubble. Gold Massive Cup and Handle […]

23 Oct

Head For the Safety Zone!

Time for Maximum Safety… Gold and Silver! It’s time to head for the maximum safety zone. Multi-front wars that can escalate at any second without warning.  Energy in the cross hairs.  Debt through the roof.   And Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen says America can afford two wars at the same time.  It is time to […]

23 Oct

More People Will Recognize Gold’s Importance

Gold is Much More Than Just a Metal! Paul Tudor Jones is one of those billionaire hedge fund managers.  We caught him on CNBC the other day and wanted to share a few of his observations. Put simply, Jones says, “I believe gold’s value will continue to rise as more people recognize its importance in […]

23 Oct

Shrink or Treat?

We’ve Been Talking About ‘Shrinkflation’, But This is Ridiculous! We’ve written many times about the Federal Reserve’s destruction of the US dollar’s purchasing power.  We’ve written about shrinkflation, businesses concealing price increases with smaller package sizes. (See HERE and HERE.)   And we have even joked about what we call “The Incredible Shrinking Candy Bar.” […]

15 Oct

The Consumer Price Index and Social Security

“The hurrier you go, the behinder you get!” If you think you are falling behind in the dollar economy, you are right.  The plain truth is that if you weren’t targeted to fall farther and farther behind, there would be no reason at all for inflation. In a moment of irony, Washington released the “official” […]

15 Oct

Echoes of Stagflation

Here We Go Again! It’s been a while since we last wrote about the Stagflation Decade, the 1970s, but some of the parallels are so eerie that even one of the world’s biggest banks has started to notice! The 1970s era was characterized by oil price shocks, the Soviet war in Afghanistan, and high inflation. […]

13 Oct

Trump Endorses Kari Lake for Senate

“We Need Strong Fighters Like Kari” Trump Endorses Kari Lake for Senate. And So Do I! Great News!  It’s official!  Kari Lake is running for the US Senate.  She kicked off her campaign on Tuesday, 10/10, with a blockbuster personal endorsement from President Trump. Some of President Trump’s remarks: “A Republican must win and we […]

09 Oct

First Comes a Big Commercial Real Estate Crash

…and then the Fed Cranks up the Printing Presses! A Bloomberg Survey discovers widespread expectations of a major commercial real estate crash!  We’re looking at nine months of brutal price declines, according to respondents. Details from Bloomberg’s latest Markets Live Pulse survey: About two-thirds of the 919 respondents surveyed by Bloomberg believe that the US […]

09 Oct

Who Needs Enemies When You Have Banks?

Robert Kiyosaki warns! We’re not alone in pointing to cracks in the US banks!  We’ve been running around like our hair is on fire warning about trouble ahead.  But if anything, we might be accused of understating the case.  Wait until you hear what Rich Dad Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki says! Here is his […]

06 Oct

War and Gold

Those of us who follow these things carefully (a minority enthusiasm for sure!) are so totally mesmerized by the rickety position of the banks and the government, that we might be accused of ignoring a story as big, if not bigger.  So let us assure you that the prospects of war are not going unnoticed. […]

02 Oct

Did the FBI Steal Their Gold?

Looks like the government and corrupt officials both want gold, gold, gold! “We are devaluing American money so rapidly that in America today, you can’t even bribe Democrat senators with cash alone. You need to bring gold bars to get the job done just so the bribes hold value.” Rep. Matt Gaetz He’s always looked […]

02 Oct

200 Years of Global Gold Production

Where Does the U.S. Rank Among Other Nations? Most of the gold that has been produced throughout history remains in human hands.  As much as 86 percent of it has been produced in the last 200 years.  Our thanks to Visual Capitalist for the below chart illustrating the history of gold production. The World Gold […]

02 Oct

Two Very Big Things Headed to U.S. Banks

Get Gold Before They Hit! No one knows exactly how close we came to a US bank holiday last spring, but it was too close for comfort.  None of the problems banks faced then have been solved. In fact, both have gotten worse. Here’s what’s in the mix. The banks are up to their eyeballs […]

25 Sep

Gold Hits New Highs in Foreign Currencies

Sign of Things to Come! Unbeknownst to most Americans, the price of gold is hitting new highs in foreign currencies. Author and gold expert John Rubino writes in his latest newsletter that “gold is doing great – in other currencies.”  Rubino says that Japan and Australia are giving Americans “a glimpse of the future.” From […]

25 Sep

Washington’s Spending Spree!

$33 Trillion Federal Debt!  How did that happen? US Federal debt has now roared above $33 trillion.  It has rocketed up by $2.16 trillion in just the past year.  This is an increase of an unthinkable $1.58 trillion just since the debt ceiling was lifted in June! How did this happen?   A new Heritage […]

25 Sep

Biden Sets a New World Record…

(…For Unpayable US Debt!) Joe Biden is proving himself a master participant of one of the world’s oldest disastrous routines. It’s always the same cycle.  Governments spend money they don’t have.  They then have to resort to borrowing or printing or a combination of the two.  The more they borrow and the more they print, […]

18 Sep

Sometimes it Smacks You Right in the Face!

We’re talking about the breakdown of American prosperity! We do things no normal person would want to do, all as part of our pledge to keep you up to speed on the dollar, the Fed, the economy, gold, and silver. We follow money supply and Fed asset numbers closely and listen carefully to Fed officials […]

18 Sep

Another Government Shutdown? (Here We Go Again)

Own gold and silver in times of governmental failure! Looks like we’re headed for another government shutdown.   Congress has until September 30, which is the end of the 2023 fiscal year, to agree on a budget and avoid another shutdown. Nine out of 10 Americans, according to a Peterson Foundation survey, want Congress to […]

18 Sep

Oil and Gold: Remembrance of Things Past

None of our clients or friends will be surprised to learn that price inflation in August took its biggest jump in over a year.   The Wall Street Journal: We warned that inflation was about to tick up, writing last month:  Gasoline prices have been climbing in August.  That will show up in the next […]

10 Sep

Somebody in Washington Finally Noticed the Deficit

But of course, by the time Washington notices, it’s waaaaay too late! This one took us by surprise.   Not the fact that we’re headed to a crisis, but that The Wahington Post, the house organ of the Deep State, noticed that the deficit is exploding!   How could they say such a thing?  After […]

10 Sep

Banks Are in More Trouble Than We Thought

It’s bad.  Very bad.  When it hits the fan, gold will be there, as it always has! We know what happened to a handful of big banks earlier this year.  Banks like Signature and Silicon Valley suddenly were forced to realize their unrealized losses.  And that was the end of the road for them. As […]