What Else Are They Lying to You About?

Inflation, for sure!
Well surprise, surprise!
Last week even the New York Times has provided details about that “a C.I.A.-supported network of spy bases constructed in the past eight years that includes 12 secret locations along the Russian border.”
That’s the sort of thing that has been generally denied for a long time.
And whatever happened to those secret bioweapons labs the US had in Ukraine? And who bombed the Nordstream pipelines? And who forged the documents about WMDs in Iraq?
And what about all the lies about Covid?
To tell you the truth, that’s not our beat. Our job is to help you protect your wealth with gold and silver and keep you informed about what the monetary and fiscal authorities are doing to you. Believe me, all that keeps us plenty busy!
But you must wonder what else the people are being deceived about. The manipulation of numbers and statistics about the economy is always a good place to look for a spin job.
Here’s an example. Joe Biden has been president for three years now. During that time the Consumer Price Index has risen 18 percent. That is criminal-scale inflation and should be enough to toss any president out of office. But inflation is worse than that.
The Consumer Price Index has always been sketchy and used to hide the real cost of living. So forget 18 percent overall consumer price inflation and its aggregate number. Here are the government numbers for the things people actually spend their money on. Things like homes and food and gas:
Rent up 19.5 percent. Groceries up 21.5 percent. Energy up 32.3 percent. Gas up 34.6 percent. Mortgages up 66.5 percent.

Meanwhile, they are going to be coming for your retirement plan soon. A recent article on Bloomberg News was headlined, “Your 401(k) Will Be Gone Within a Decade”:
There has been a brewing intellectual movement to get rid of the 401(k) for several years, with scholars on both the right and left questioning its value. And as the federal government gets increasingly desperate for new sources of revenue, the tax treatment of 401(k)s is a likely target.
Now, we’re not psychic. But if you’d like to know where to look for the next round of Washington deceptions, we suggest the upcoming votes on spending bills and measures to fund the government.
No matter what they say, runaway Washington spending will not be brought to heel in the final plan. No matter what they say.
We say don’t be victimized by Washington’s sleight of hand, deceptions, and lies. Get your hard-earned money to someplace safe: gold and silver.