A Look at the Gold and Silver Charts
2024 has been quite a year for gold and silver. And it looks like there is more to come.
Here is a one-year chart of the gold price:
Please note the bullish technical indicators, with the red line indicating the 200-day moving average price and the blue line the shorter term 50-day moving average. Gold is trading above both trend lines.
Here is a one-year silver chart:
As did gold, silver made a strong breakout in March. It has mostly traded above both the short- and long-term trendlines since April, although it broke below the 50-day moving average on Friday, 7/19, on profit taking.
And finally, here is a one-year chart reflecting the ratio of gold and silver prices:
Note that this is not a price chart. It reflects the relative prices of the two precious metals. The gold/silver ratio has been trending down since May. You should speak with your Republic Monetary Exchange representative about this. The ratio indicates that silver is still advantageously priced relative to the gold price and you continue to have an opportunity to trade gold for silver while silver is historically underpriced compared to gold and therefore poised for faster price appreciation. But the gold-silver ratio is on the move and that advantage may not last.
Contact Republic Monetary Exchange today and learn more about this profitable strategy.