Commodities Do Not Cause Inflation!

03 Apr

Commodities Do Not Cause Inflation!

Money Printing Causes Inflation…

The Mises Institute, Daniel Lacalle Says:  The Ukraine war has created another excuse to blame inflation on oil and natural gas. However, it seems that all those who blame inflationary pressures on commodities continue to ignore the massive price increases in housing, healthcare, and education, as well as in goods and services where there was evident overcapacity. Global food prices show a similar problem…. 

Now the increase in broad money has translated to an explosion in all prices, energy-related or not. Some will blame wages, others will blame the Ukraine war, and others will blame the weak recovery. The fact is that currency destruction is at the heart of generalized price rises everywhere. Everything else is anecdotes or consequences, not causes.

More units of currency are going to scarce assets as investors look for protection against inflation. This is not speculation; it is protection from currency debasement.