Why Are the ‘Super Rich’ Buying Gold Right Now?

17 Jan

Why Are the ‘Super Rich’ Buying Gold Right Now?

The global ‘Super-rich’ are buying gold… physical gold. We’re talking the kind you hold in your hand… gold coins, gold bullion. 

That’s the story from the Drudge Report the other day.  The super-rich are reading the signs of the time.   They are taking steps to protect themselves with gold.

Well, they probably didn’t get to be the ‘super-rich’ by ignoring what’s going on in the economy. 

Deficits and debt.  Money printing and monetary manipulation.  Anomalies like negative interest rates and the desperate stovepiping of money to the overnight repo markets.  Wealth tax schemes and economic frauds like Modern Monetary Theory.  (Learn more about MMT in our commentary Helicopter Money and MMT.  Believe me, you need to know about this particular scam!)

Here at Republic Monetary Exchange, like the super-rich, our clients are also buying physical gold.  And silver, too.  That’s our business.

We deal in physical metals, real gold and silver.  You take them into your possession.  We don’t just give you a promise or a piece of paper.  You get the most trusted money of the ages, known and prized throughout the world and across the centuries.

stacked gold coins

That’s what we deal in and what the global super-rich are buying.  Because they recognize, and we recognize, that it is a world of counter-party risks, unpayable debt, unaudited central banks, defaults, and bankruptcies.  And all of those risks rise sharply in a financial crisis.

Goldman Sachs recently commented on the evidence of the Super Rich buying gold and storing it for themselves.  “This [data] is consistent with reports that vault demand globally is surging,” the firm notes.

“Political risks, in our view, help explain this because if an individual is trying to minimize the risks of sanctions or wealth taxes, then buying physical gold bars and storing them in a vault, where it is more difficult for governments to reach them, makes sense.”

The super-rich and Republic Monetary Exchange clients understand that gold and, to the extent it is a monetary commodity, silver too, is not someone else’s liability.  They are not IOU’s, or dependent on the solvency of some bank or company.  Or the honesty of some government or politician.

Gold and silver are their own value.   

You don’t have to be among the ‘super-rich’ to invest in gold and silver.  But if you have wealth you want to protect, contact us.

The knowledgeable precious metals professionals here at RME Gold can help you take the kind of measures the global super-rich are taking.