This Isn’t What “Land of the Free” was Supposed to Mean

Why we get deficits, debts, inflation, and why gold goes up!
“Free stuff! Step right up! Get your free stuff now!”
Washington politics has become nothing less than a bunch of carney barkers!
“Quick grab your Obama phone and hurry!”
The House Budget Committee has gone through the Harris-Walz economic proposals, and it is a grab bag of goodies that would put your typical Washington wastrel to shame. And that’s pretty hard to do!
The report notes that “since the Biden-Harris Administration assumed office, the average family of four must pay an additional $17,169 per year, or $1,431 per month, to purchase the same goods and services. But Kamala has more of the same in store for you.
Here’s a link so you can go through their analysis for yourself if you have the stomach for it.
To save some time, here are just a couple of the free stuff bullet points selected by the Committee to Restore Prosperity:
- Free Child care: Kamala cosponsored S. 1806, the Child Care for Working Families Act, which would create new federal entitlement programs for child care. Cost: $600 billion over the next decade.
- Free parental leave: Kamala supported a plan to create a government-mandated parental leave, which she would have paid for by imposing new payroll taxes on families.
- Free Health Care: In 2019, then-Presidential candidate Harris rolled out her Medicare for All proposal, which included coverage for more than 11 million illegal immigrants. Projected to cost $44 trillion over ten years.
- Free College: In 2017 Harris was an original cosponsor of Bernie Sanders’ plan for free college, S.806, College for All Act of 2017. Cost: $600 billion over the next decade.
- Free Child Rearing Expenses: Harris proposed Expanding the Child Tax Credit (CTC) and making it fully refundable (a cash grant) of up to $6,000 in first year of life. Cost: $1.2 trillion over 10 years.
- Free Down payment on Home Purchase: Kamala would provide a tax credit of up to $25,000 to first-time homebuyers, further boosting demand for home ownership and lead to higher home prices. Cost: $100 billion over the next decade.
And that doesn’t even include free sex-change operations of illegal aliens.
Somehow, we don’t think that when Francis Scott Key wrote that line in our national anthem about the land of the free that this is what he had in mind!
But that is what we have become. Now do you think the paper dollar can last?