Secret Gold Buying?

Saudi Arabia joins China in quiet gold acquisitions! Have you thought about doing the same?
There appears to be a sharp rise in secret, off-the-books gold buying by foreign central banks.
Based on World Gold Council reports and other sources, Saudi Arabia has cranked up its gold buying machine. Since 2022 the Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority appears to have added 160 tons of gold.
Much of this activity is unreported, secretive gold buying, only able to be pieced together by comparing gold movements from elsewhere with other reported financial data.
You can be sure that with the US freezing dollar assets of sovereign nations like Russia, other countries are doing what the Saudis are doing and moving assets out of jeopardy and into non-dollar alternatives. And much of it could be unreported.
China is leading the world in off-the record gold acquisitions, according to those that track its activities closely. But these days it takes a little sleuthing. And why not? Prudent individuals like to keep their investments private, too. Especially when theft is proliferating.
It was not that long ago that the currency reserves of many of the world’s central banks was reasonably well reported. Those countries that didn’t disclose much didn’t matter much. Think China before Deng Xiaoping.
But in the decades since then China’s reserves matter very much. Not only because it is a formidable world economic power, but also because Uncle Sam in dependent on foreign nations like China to lend him money.
One thing is clear. China’s US dollar reserves are shrinking. And its gold reserves are growing. There was a time that China held $1.3 trillion of US government debt. This summer that number slipped to $780 billion. Meanwhile its gold holdings have gone way, way up.
As we have reported in the past, besides what is transparent in the Peoples Bank of China, gold is being secretly held by the army, the Chinese youth league, and the Communist party.
This is an object lesson for the individual American investor. Countries are rightfully afraid of the US stealing its assets. Uncle Sam’s record with its own people, from bank holidays to gold confiscation, is grim as well. But that is only a concern in times of economic and monetary stress… like these!
Speak with a Republic Monetary Exchange gold and silver specialist today. It’s a matter of prosperity and wealth preservation.