Preparing for the Seen and Unseen

07 Jun

Preparing for the Seen and Unseen

Cities burning, a plague on the land, businesses failing, millions unemployed.

That is what is visible.

What is hidden from most people is the destruction of our monetary system by mad money printing and a mountain of unpayable debt that is close to collapse.

That’s unseen.  For now.

We have written many times about the unseen destruction of out monetary system, overloaded by debt and undermined by made-up money.  It is one of our specialties.  Almost everything we have written over the past couple of years deals with termites, unseen, at work in our monetary system.

Now, just a few words about what is seen all around us.  From the COVID-19 shutdown to the riots in our streets, it is all very visible in the news.  We don’t write as much about things that everyone sees because, well, because everyone sees them.

But now it is time now to think about how to protect yourself from what is out in the open.  What looks like the fraying of our civil life.

Over the centuries people in such circumstances have turned to gold and silver.  In troubled times we think owning both is very wise.  But in addition to being underpriced relative to gold, silver has the advantage of providing y0u with smaller units of purchasing power that can be especially useful in the event of disruptions in the normal functioning of modern life.  

What kind of disruptions?

  • Civil Curfews
  • No-go zones
  • Banks and businesses closed because of riots, plunder, looting
  • Pandemic shutdowns
  • Urban fires
  • Failure of public utilities during periods of lawlessness
  • Failure of the power grid due to mismanagement or sabotage
  • Store shelves empty

We are not interested in being alarmist, but we are watching the same news you are watching.  So we want to be realistic about what can happen. There are places in our country that the fabric of social order has already been shredded, where civil order has come to an end.

How far will it go?  We don’t know.  Nobody does. That’s why we suggest you ask yourself some tough questions.

Are you prepared for a time when the ATMs no longer spit out cash on demand?  When banks aren’t open to cash checks?  When medical centers close because of violence?  When cyber-criminals attack the financial nodes of the digital world?  When deliveries to your gas station stop?  When a credit card is useless?  When you need to go somewhere else suddenly?  When you call the police and they don’t come?

Real money can come in mighty handy in times of crises.

Don’t get us wrong.  We do not think precious metals can fix everything.  But it is like the old saying that money doesn’t buy happiness… But it can buy you a better class of problems!

We think this is a good time to add silver to your portfolio.  For everyday monetary needs in a crisis.