How Do They Get Away with “Printing” All Those Dollars?

And how have they made gold prices climb for almost 100 years (with more to come)?
The Federal Reserve pretends to be the fire department that puts out the fires. But, as you will see, they are the arsonists who start the fires to begin with.
It’s really a mystery, how the authorities have gotten away with it all these years. Printing trillions of dollars, that is. It puts spending power in the hands of Washington, allowing them to get away with all sorts of mischief that they couldn’t otherwise pay for. But what they spend is really just taken from the spending power of the people.
Think about that! The Federal Reserve’s activities act exactly like a tax. It gets revenue from you, with out a law, hearings, debate, or vote. So much for what the Constitution says about how Washington is supposed to operate.
For almost a hundred years the Fed has engaged in this mysterious money printing sleight of hand. It has made gold go higher and higher, and the purchasing power of the US dollar sink for a century.
Now, learn what almost no Americans understand. In this video from the Mises Institute, PLAYING WITH FIRE: Money, Banking, and the Federal Reserve, you will learn how it all works and why gold will keep reaching new highs.