A Hole So Deep They Can’t Climb Out
…But they will keep digging!
A few years ago we warned that the Republicans and Democrats were acting like they had signed a mutual suicide pact! That’s because they were digging us into a debt hole so deep that eventually they wouldn’t be able to climb out.
Our advice at the time: “STOP DIGGING!”
But they didn’t.
Total US debt has jumped by $473 BILLION over the last 3 weeks alone, to a record $35.8 trillion. What is your share? Well, at the risk of shocking you, your share of America’s debt has climbed by $1,450 in just the last three weeks.
How about interest on the national debt?
The US now holds a record $103,700 of debt for every American. That means you! In 2024, interest on the national debt soared to $1.16 trillion. That’s the first time it has raced above $1 trillion. Uncle Sam now owes $103,700 for every American citizen, including you, and paid interest of $3,360 for every citizen in the just finished accounting year.
So after decades of falling interest rates, the worm has turned. With exploding levels of unpayable debt around the world, interest rates have begun rising. That means the cost of servicing America’s debt will climb. Your cost will climb.
What is the long-term plan here? There isn’t one!
This episode tells us something very unpleasant about our country today. And about our leaders. A debt crisis like this is the stuff of third-world banana republics (like Zimbabwe, Argentina, Venezuela) and advanced economy kleptocracies (think Germany 100 years ago).
Now we are like them. And our leaders were either too stupid to see where we were headed, or they just didn’t care.
We don’t know which is worse. Maybe it doesn’t matter.
Former US budget director David Stockman says the national debt will reach $36 trillion in the next few weeks, and $40 trillion sometime in 2025. “Needless to say, figures of those stunning magnitudes imply Roman Empire style financial ruin.”
To repeat ourselves, what is the long-term plan here?
There isn’t one! There is no central plan or government playbook to get this problem under control. We are waaaay past that!
The only conceivable plan to deal with this is your plan for yourself. Call or stop by Republic Monetary Exchange to learn why your personal profit and protection plan must begin with gold and silver.